: Missouri DWI Defense Attorney

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Maryland Heights Traffic Law Defense

Maryland Heights Speeding Ticket Lawyers
Maryland Heights DWI Defense Lawyers
Maryland Heights MIP Defense Lawyers

From simple Maryland Heights speeding ticket defense where "no points" is the goal and Maryland Heights MIP defense where the object is keeping your record clean and your driver license from being suspended, to Maryland Heights DWI defense, where your freedom is at stake, the Maryland Heights traffic law attorneys at can handle it.

Maryland Heights Municipal Court

Maryland Heights Municipal Court

212 Millwell Drive

Maryland Heights, MO 63043

(314) 291-6036

Maryland Heights Municipal Court Website


Hon. Kevin R Kelly

Prosecuting Attorney

M. Deann Outlaw, Esq.

Court Clerk

Gerry Durfee

Court Dates and Docket Dates (7:00 PM)

Traffic Court and Ordinance Violations:  2nd and 4th Thursday

Sentencing Dockets:  2nd Monday


The Violations Bureau is open for payments from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m..

On court dates, payments are accepted until 2 p.m. the day of court.

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